Ashlan French Bulldogs – About Us

I, Mary DeLisa, became involved in showing when I became injured in a horse-riding accident when I was a teenager. I started showing in 4-H with a Xoloitzuintli and instantly became hooked. I showed in conformation and obedience. At the time, the breed was not recognized by the AKC so I could only show in 4-H and rare breed shows. After college, I got my first Mastiff with hopes of showing. Unfortunatly, he didn’t turn out to be show quality. While my family and I loved our first Mastiff, he did not possess many true Mastiff qualities. I became active in Mastiff Club of America (MCOA) Rescue, becoming the State Coordinator for both Colorado and Wyoming for two years. I also joined the local Mastiff club, Rocky Mountain Mastiff Fanciers (RMMF), and was able to meet many wonderful Mastiffs and people. After a year or so of working with rescue and attending every Mastiff event I could find, I realized that I would like to learn more about showing Mastiffs. I attended the Mastiff Club of America National Specialty in 2002 and meet many amazing people of which I am still friends with today. I found my first show breeder and a few months later I got my first show quality Mastiffs.
I jumped in with both feet in Mastiffs and have been involved with nearly every aspect of the MCOA including holding multiple committee positions and Board of Director positions. I have also attended nearly every National since 2002. I am still the Mastiff Health Committee Chair.
In 2010, my family and I decided we wanted something smaller, strong, muscular and bold – a big dog, in a small package. French Bulldogs seemed to fit that bill. We started on our search for a reputable breeder and it was hard to find a breeder that had typy dogs and did health testing. It took us a few years to find a puppy that seemed to fit that bill.
Since getting our first French Bulldog in 2013, I have joined the French Bulldog Club of America and helped to form the French Bulldog Club of Colorado. I am currently the President for the French Bulldog Club of Colorado. French Bulldogs are a passion for me, but they are definitely not how we make our living. When not obsessing over the Frenchies and Mastiffs, I am a stay at home mom and AKC judge. I enjoy judging CGC, Trick Dog, Temperament Testing and my favorite, Junior Showmanship.
We are located just outside of Denver, Colorado. Highlands Ranch is just a 30-40 minute drive depending on traffic from the airport.